It has taken time on this one due to some health issues and monetary set backs on my end, but it is ready to go under the needle of my sewing machine and get the finishing touches.
I used the remaining border fabric to make 4 small throw pillows to match the quilt. The first one (in the back) has white eyelet all around it. Then there is one with white eyelet on only the ends and lastly 2 untrimmed pillows.
I just love the different colors and fabrics and think they came together great!
Here is a better close up picture of the pillows waiting for the stuffing to go into them. I ran out after the first pillow.
I was blessed to have the recipients supervisor state she would pay for the shipping on this quilt, so that will save me about $30 or so.
I used a lot of different fabric I had on hand for this quilt and have noticed that I am running low on almost everything now.
I found a lady here locally who is willing to sell me 100 fat quarters of fabric for only $60 and that is a huge bargain. She used to own a quilt shop on Ebay but has closed it.
I am still looking for people who want to help me continue this cause to support the unsung and unseen heroes that answer the calls when someone needs the police or fire or just someone to reassure them. The 911 dispatchers who rarely go recognized until they need desperate help.
All I am is one person trying my best to make them feel better, one quilt at a time. When this one is finished, there will be another one made on a smaller scale for another person in need & I will do my best as I do each time to reach out in some small way to let them know someone cares about them.
Won't you help? Won't you adopt the next quilt? Perhaps contact me about making a donation to help me continue this cause? I won't stop doing what I can and I know many of you just don't have the time, but you can help with money and other needs.