I am going to name my new business, Tsunami Shores Quilts...Quilts For the Heart & Soul!
As I was leaving church today it dawned on me after the devastating storm we had how soon we could suffer from a Tsunami, but more so how much others are suffering. Walk around Aberdeen and the surrounding coastal towns and you will see signs like this one:

Living in this area, you are always keenly aware that at any time, I Tsunami could occur and wipe out the coastal towns and your way of life you have come to enjoy.
Going to the beach you are always on hyper vigilance, watching the waves (not that you would have much time to run) for quick changes, assessing the tides in the rivers and when you are living on a hill many people come to feel they are safe from Tsunami, but I don't think so.
Tsunami is actually a Japenese word meaning simply, harbor wave. Still, others call a Tsunami, a tidal wave. I am not sure which way is really correct, all I know is that I live in a harbor town and any definition could come quickly.
But, could we use Tsunami as a word for catastrophe in someone's life since the big wave of 2004? I think so and obviously so does Merrian Webster Dictionary on line that defines Tsunami as this:
'Something overwhelming especially in quantity and volume.'
With that explanation, if you are the victim of a hurricane, a huge winter storm, a house fire, the loss of a loved one, aren't you in many ways experiencing a Tsunami in your life?
Tsunami Shore Quilts wants to help people during a disaster by sending them quilts to wrap up in. Brand new quilts for children or adults and I need help to do that. Won't you reach out and send a money order to help me to help others?
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