I have been swamped this week with painting the house and yesterday of course just as we were starting to paint, the rains began. So, our front door is in the living room on saw horses and we have a plastic backed paper sheet and down comforter hanging across the door. We slept last night without a front door & for the first time in years, I wasn't worried about rattle snakes, scorpions, spiders or 2 legged humans that want in my home & I slept like a baby!
It is so nice to know you can sleep at night even without a front door and know no harm is going to come to you or your family.
On the flip side of the coin, I am still looking for someone willing to donate a quilt to the dispatcher who was seriously injured in a car wreck last week. I am looking for something more lap to crib/twin size just to comfort her or her family while they are going through so much pain and heart ache at this time.
I have one I am working on to send to a dispatch center in Iowa that just lost another dispatcher and the sad thing is, this young mans dispatch partner had to give CPR instructions over the telephone to his family while he was dying.
Now, if you don't think that is hard, I can tell you that nothing ever prepares you for doing that type of thing in your life. So many things are whirling through your mind and all you can do is focus on the task at hand.
If you don't have a completed quilt and would like to send me a completed top, I will gladly add the batting and back to send off. It is just right now I am so backed up on just he routine daily house chores with the painting task, that I haven't had much time to do anything else!
Bye Bye Birdie (At Least For Now)
6 years ago
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