Calling all quilters, all seamstresses, knitters, crocheters, churches, family and friends lets reach out and help and get a box or 2 or 5 or 10 to these people in Texas. They need our help!
Hurricane Ike Activation!
Dear friends. We need your help! We have received e-mails from a number of individuals and agencies. There is an immediate need for supplies, clothing and toiletries. Now that the storm has passed, we have networked with the Texas TERT Team Coordinator, Texas NENA and National NENA to confirm the need and start this very important activation.
Galveston, Orange and Beaumont areas have an intense need. This is for the many dispatchers that have been working since the hurricane. They are running out of fresh clothes and daily needs. We are only beginning to see what the losses are for these many 9-1-1 heroes since most have been working for days and have been unable to check their homes. Some are "waterlocked" and can't leave their centers until roads and utilities are safe.
Here is the plan! Please collect the following items:
Clothes of any sizes (read important note below)
New shoes and boots (no used please)
Socks (new)
Toiletries (soaps, lotion, shampoo, combs, baby powder)
Feminine Products
Baby Wipes (used for quick cleaning since showers and baths are impossible)
Paper products ( toilet paper, tissues, paper towels)
Purel or other sanitizing hand cleaner
Food items (things that can be easily heated or microwaved)
Snack/Candy (anything that won't melt in hot/humid temps)
Things to help time pass (magazines, puzzles, cards)
Imagine your own dispatch center. After three days of eating everything in the cabinets, what's left? Get things like ice tea mix, coffee, sugar, creamer, snack stuff, etc.
These dispatch centers are in evacuated areas of Texas but they have stayed behind for rescue and security of their communities. They can't just send someone to a FEMA shelter to get stuff, those shelters are hours away. If you are in driving distance from Houston , there is a need for cases of bottled water also. Contact us offline and we'll coordinate your offers for help.
At this time, we are not asking for money or gift cards. There isn't a mechanism to shop locally yet (everything is closed or damaged) and we don't have a list of specific needs other than what is listed above.
CLOTHING NOTE. We're all adults, so please take this in the spirit intended. During our Katrina Activation, we had amazing stuff donated. That being said, some people just sent whatever was in the musty attic. These agencies have NO fresh water, no washing machines, no dryers, etc. PLEASE wash EVERYTHING you send! Let them open a " Downey fresh" box from you, not a nightmare :)
Put everything in the box.
Write the contents on one side. You don't have to be specific. Just write clothes, snacks, magazines or whatever you send.
Address it. Thanks to Lisa Dodson at Harris County 9-1-1 we have a secure location to send it to! Add Harris to your hero list, they have stepped up to be the base camp for donations that will be distributed to all affected areas. Mail or UPS to:
Harris County Communications Division
Attn; 911 CARES
1301 Franklin Street
Houston, TX 77002
If you have questions, Houston has agreed to be the Texas contact point. PLEASE call only if you need to. They are still very busy and we don't want to overwhelm them with calls.
UPS,FedEx and US Postal are all working to get boxes where they need to go. There are shiping updates daily as trucks can get there. We will post daily updates this week at www.911cares. com (scroll below the yellow ACTIVATION STRIPE for the most current info)