Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Quilt World Magazines get Recycled

We all have things that can be recycled laying around our home. Where do we start is many persons lament, but I am a person that likes organization and I will keep things around until they are no longer useful. Thus, I have begun today tearing apart my 1980's issues of Quilt World magazines. They have been listed on Ebay several times with no buyers & offered on my blog to anyone that would pay for the postage of having them mailed...no takers. So today, I am going through each issue and taking out what I want to keep. They will then go in the recycle trash!

Speaking of recycling, I sold my old V-Tech phone and may also be selling my long black wool coat this week-end, so that is great! I just believe in passing things along that really shouldn't be in the dump piles.

A lazy day today, I should be quilting but I can't seem to get in the mood for it. Usually I love to quilt, but lately I just seem to not have the ambition. Big part of no ambition is I sit on the floor to do most of it and with my fractured foot, it is to painful. Oh how I dream of having an area to do my quilting in someday!

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